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Sleeper’s Morturary Overnight Investigation

Sleeper’s Morturary is a newly opened location by Tory Westhoff located in Kansas.

Make sure you book this location on your next overnight, spots are filling up fast!! You can contact Tory herself on Facebook (Tory Westhoff) or on TikTok (Paranormal_Tory).

Tory is a Paranormal Investigator and an author. She writes many books on different haunted locations. We physically have one of her books (We are Edinburgh Manor) and we will be using it on our Edinburgh Manor investigation. The book itself has the building history, a section of evidence captured by other paranormal groups, every death that has been documented in the building (alphabetical order), an Index, and a notes section while you’re investigating. These books are the most useful tool for any investigator, especially when attempting to communicate with a spirit that has passed at the location. Each death that occurred there has the person’s name, how they passed, and when they passed. We absolutely love it!! You can find a link to purchase one below:

Tory Westhoff Books

April 25

Malvern Manor Overnight Collab Investigation With Tory Westhoff and SOCO Paranormal

September 12

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum